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Fun facts about the state of Arkansas

Arkansas Public Facts

Arkansas State Facts

Here are some Arkansas fun facts you probably didn't know about:

  1. Clark Bluff overlooking the St. Francis River contains enough chalk to supply the nation for years.
  2. Famous singer Johnny Cash was born in Kingsland.
  3. Sam Walton founded his Wal-Mart stores in Bentonville.
  4. General Douglas MacArthur, soldier and statesman, was born in Little Rock in 1880.
  5. Little River County Courthouse is world famous for it's Christmas lights display.
  6. The average temperature in July is 81.4 degrees; January it is 39.5; and the annual average is 61.7 degrees. The average rainfall is 48.52 inches and the average snowfall is 5.2 inches.
  7. The Arkansas River is the longest stream to flow into the Mississippi-Missouri river system. Its total length is 1,450 miles.

Other Arkansas state facts:

  • Arkansas State Tree: Loblolly Pine
  • Arkansas State Flower: Appleblossom
  • Arkansas State Bird: Mockingbird

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